COVID-19 Update: Practice Closed for Routine Eyecare

Emergency and Essential Care still available

Updated: 01/05/20

Government advice and social distancing requirements have dictated that provision of routine eycare is not possible at the present time.

Accordingly, all routine eyecare is suspended with immediate effect.

However, subject to very strict guidelines, we are able to provide advice and care for emergency and essential requirements and are available as set out below to deal with enquiries.

Essential eye care includes but is not limited to appointments for patients who would not normally be considered to be emergencies, but where, in the practitioner’s professional judgement, a delay in an examination may be detrimental to a patient’s sight or wellbeing. This may include where patients have broken or lost their glasses or contact lenses and need a replacement pair to function.

Urgent or emergency eye care includes advice in respect of conditions such as red eye, contact lens discomfort, foreign object, sudden change in vision, flashes and floaters which might suggest retinal detachment etc., or where the patient has been advised to attend a practice by NHS 111 or another healthcare professional for urgent eye care.

Our practice is not currently open to callers without appointment. Where possible, we will deal with the types of problems set out above by means of telephone or email advice and are able to offer most platforms of video call (Zoom, Skype, Facetime, Whatsapp) to aid in offering best advice. We will offer this advice, where appropriate, in consultation with Hull & East Yorkshire Eye Hospital. For those situations that require a face to face examination, this will be carried out using appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment) and the examination will be limited to those tests essential to form a diagnosis and offer advice.

Call us on 0800 977 5994 or send an email to if you experience an urgent problem with your eyes, e.g.

  • New floaters in your field of vision, especially if associated with new flashing lights;
  • Distortion of your central vision in either eye, especially if you have previously been warned to look for this;
  • Painful red eye(s) – note that if you develop itchy/sticky eyes, it is reasonable to seek advice from your community pharmacist in the first instance.

Broken/Lost glasses

We are able to provide replacement glasses to cover loss or breakage – please contact us by telephone or email as above. The rules concerning validity of prescriptions has been amended in the light of the current situation to allow an extension beyond the recommended re-examination date in such cases.

Uncollected Spectacles/Contact Lenses

Where possible, completed spectacle orders and contact lenses will be sent out by post. We realise this isn’t always practical and will contact those clients affected to discuss how to best deal with your needs.

Routine Examinations/Contact Lens Checks

All recall notifications will be suspended until the practice reopens and then sent out in a phased way, but if you are noticing significant changes in your vision, contact us so that we can ensure you are seen as soon as possible once things return to normal. Contact lens wearers will be contacted by telephone or email when their annual aftercare check is due and in the absence of problems, ongoing supply of lenses will continue, with an appointment being made for after the reopening.

Be assured that we are committed to providing you with the best care consistent with protecting the safety of our staff and patients. We will update you further as soon as we are able!